We name transformers “high-current transformers” when the output voltage is very low in relation to the output power and the output currents are consequently high.
BREMER high-current transformers are always developed in close collaboration with our customers. As a rule, a defined current is required for a technological process and the associated transformer output voltage is adapted to the entire load circuit.
Since the load resistances in high-current circuits are always low, the contact resistances of the connections and the voltage drops on the supply lines must be considered and coordinated with our customers.
Product examples

1-phase high-current transformer for hot cutting device (cutting knife) on plastic blow moulding machines
Typical values: 6V 250A
See also Single-phase transformers – Special transformers – MT20 series.

1-phase high-current transformer for soldering machines up to 5700A (KB)

3-phase high-current transformer for excitation systems up to 3x 2500A

Your technical contact for transformers
For product-specific questions, please contact Mr. Thomas Bremer. Together we can clarify the last open questions regarding your enquiry.
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Bremer: 03378 2006-0
E-mail: thomas.bremer@bremer-trafo.de